My Blogs


My Notes

This post summarizes my own class notes and lectures. No official course materials are included here.

Solution to Problems in Quantitative Seismology (updating)

I have to say that this project is way too ambitious. I hope to keep updating it little by little (to the end). The current popular areas in seismology may seem very different to what the advanced topics look like in this famous book Quantitative Seismology by Aki and Richards (and many other classic textbooks). However, the discipline originates from these foundations, and I would like to pay homage to our great seismologists.

MIT Integration Bee (updating)

MIT integration bee is a yearly tradition every January in MIT. I do it just for fun and, of course, I don’t have the time limit :). My solutions are posted below. Fairly speaking, I also grabbed the hints from others for some problems, and sometimes the techniques are pretty amazing.